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The Experience of Discomfort When Routines Change Jan 3rd, 2024

Typically on vacation you feel off the first day or so because you are in a new place- different coffee mug, you may not have your preferred creamer, different bed, etc. It can be exciting when away and the stress of everyday life has decreased. What do you do in...

Life is a Game Nov 30th, 2023

Are you open to playing the game of life freely, or do you have a strategy? When a new day is born, it is the same as opening a brand new game box that you have never played before. This is a game that you can choose to play with...

Top 5 Meaningful and Heart-Centered Gifts Dec 5th, 2022

Is there someone on your list that you forgot to get something for… (you?!)A meaningful gift that will take you far beyond the holiday season. What could be a better gift than inner freedom? Here is a list of my TOP 5 MEANINGFUL AND HEART-CENTERED GIFTS for you or others...

What Does My Mind Have to Do With It? Oct 31st, 2022

Everything. The mind gives the information to the body. Is your body tense and tight? Is it relaxed and loose? You probably have felt this direct relationship between mental stress states and tension in the body several times in your life.  So what do you do about it? Relax. Too...

Greatest Resource to Release Pain Sep 30th, 2022

1st step: Connect with the innate intelligence of your body. Slow down/ pause: soften the body Be present with mind and body Allow it- stop feeding the resistance Breath Presence the mental/ physical Allow Breathe Let heart qualities be more powerful from the mental program The greatest resource we have...

What Courage Means To Me: From Making It Happen to Allowing it to Happen Aug 31st, 2022

Courage is not an act of bravery, like we have been taught. It is also not something that we force or struggle with. It is not something to achieve because it’s already there inside us. Rather, Courage is fully receiving what life presents to us. It’s the alignment with our...

Instagram Vs. Reality (Copy & Paste) Jul 28th, 2022

This is a picture of Dr. Russ and I at a Kentucky Derby party. You wouldn’t be able to tell that right before this picture I was cleaning up a flood in my basement with a small, Solo plastic cup right before we needed to leave. Our power went out...

When Things Feel Stuck, Remember There Are Cycles Jun 29th, 2022

When Things Feel Stuck, Remember There Are Cycles   Everything has a cycle. Birth and death are cycles very similar to the cycle a flower has from seed to blossom to withering. Each cycle of our life invites us to blossom in new ways. Understanding this lets us move through...

How Do I Make Peace with Pain? May 2nd, 2022

Pain of any kind (mental/emotional/physical) is only information. The information is always an invitation to align with peace. Aligning with peace always means allowing what is to be. This allowing will allow everything to soften instead of contract. Softening lets the innate wisdom from within to flow with mroe grace...

The Flow of the Mind Body Connection Apr 18th, 2022

I created this infographic to visually explain the energetics of your emotional alignment and how that can contribute to your physical alignment. You can also find this infographic and much more similar content in my eBook "The Liberation of Joy" .    If you're interested in discussing the Mind Body Connection...

A Plentitude Poem to Remember Mar 18th, 2022

That you are made of Pure Love  That your natural state is one of Deep Peace That there is Profound Joy within you that is always accessible   That you have Courage to follow your heart intelligence That you Appreciate all of your life’s experiences That you can always choose...

The Power of Uncertainty Feb 24th, 2022

Uncertainty is the bridge to certainty. Most people want to get to certainty by controlling their experience by any means possible in the form of mind-based distractions. However, this thought-based form of control by doing will never allow you to access the pure potential of who you really are, which...

Why I'm NOT Trying to Be Better in 2022 Jan 26th, 2022

The only reason most people try to be better is that they believe they are lacking something, are inherently not good enough, or are under the impression that one must work hard to achieve success. All of these reasons are fine reasons if that's your thing, but if you’d like...

What is your contribution Dec 15th, 2021

The gift that you are to the world is so exquisite, but do you know it?  If you knew you were this incredible gem how would you experience your life each day?   It is not how much we are doing each day but who we are being in the...

What pain in the body wants you to know Dec 3rd, 2021

Pain of any kind - acute or chronic - in the body is just information.  The information it gives us varies from person to person, as we are all unique.  In order to decipher and decode the information the body is giving us, we need to understand its language.  The...

Why Does My Neck Hurt Oct 28th, 2021

As chiropractors, people often ask why they have neck pain.  If we find that there is misalignment in the spine during our examination, that is oftentimes the reason for pain in the neck area.  Sometimes there has been a history of car accidents or sports injuries.  Improper posture and poor...

Feelings Not Healings Sep 28th, 2021

The emotional body is included in our work, although sometimes people separate it from the physical body as if they are two different things. Yes, emotions get trapped in the same way a physical misalignment from a slip, fall or accident can. To some, this is mind-blowing, while others live...

Transcending Labels Sep 2nd, 2021

So many of us want to know what it is.  It can refer to the symptoms you're experiencing physically in your body or the feelings you're feeling emotionally.  We want the label because we think that once we have it we will be confronted by it.  Either we’ll know what...

Pain Has a Purpose and it’s Probably Not What You Think Jul 28th, 2021

No one likes it, but did you know that it has a purpose? Oftentimes, it serves as a roboot - a way of inviting us to connect with deeper truths than the false ones we have been telling ourselves.  Things like “I’m broken”... “I’m stuck”... “I’ll never get over this”... ...

Compassionate Confessions From A Chiropractor Jun 24th, 2021

Yes, I have a confession to make and I am not calling it that just to get your attention.  I am calling it that because it feels BIG, like it did when I was a kid growing up in the Roman Catholic church. On confession day, I would get so...

Trust Into Certainty! May 24th, 2021

I recently went to the OBGYN for a specific reason.  I made the appointment because I was feeling some sensations that I hadn't before and thought maybe I'd check it out.  The entire time I felt like I was in an episode of the Twilight zone.  The answers that were...

The Invitation of Anxiety Mar 25th, 2021

Firstly, it’s never wrong or something to be fixed or suppressed. We tend to want to make it wrong. Our body – in its infinite wisdom communicates with us and gives us signals when we either aren’t listening or holding ideas, thoughts, and beliefs that aren’t serving where we want...

You Are The Guru Mar 22nd, 2021

No, it is not us as your chiropractor, and we know it. You are directly connected to divinity. It is this divinity that oversees your health, wealth, relationships, and so on. When this divinity is blocked, your access is dulled. It literally makes life more difficult, not only for you,...

Preparing for Your Adjustment “What are you ready to receive?” Mar 3rd, 2021

It’s very simple but perhaps not so easy. The first step is to release any distractions. Typically these primarily come from our phones, but it could even be mental chatter.  The way to do this is to leave your phone in the car or put it on airplane mode. As...

The Power of the Adjustment Jan 19th, 2021

         Yes, it’s great for aligning the body, which not only reduces pain & allows for the greater overall function of the body- supporting the body to come to its natural state of ease. Yes, ease is the natural state of the body. Sometimes, that can be...

Part 2: The Flu or Cancer Dec 7th, 2020

You have the flu. You spend the next seven-ish days in bed with a fever. You have gone through two boxes of tissues. Maybe you are also vomiting or have diarrhea, too. In other words, you are having lots of fun. On day eight, your body has done its job...

Part 3: Nourished From the Inside Out Dec 7th, 2020

#1. REGULARLY CONNECTING TO OUR WISDOM The nerve system controls and coordinates every cell in your body, which means if there's a blockage it could have an impact on your resilience. As a chiropractor, we do this through chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Russ and I check each other regularly, as well...

Part 1: Your Vitality and the (Dreaded) Flu Dec 6th, 2020

"My son's entire class and so many of the teachers are out with the flu," said one of our practice members to Dr. Russ this week with a leery tone. He responded with, "Well, you just got your flu shot." They both laughed as she got up off of the...

A Gentle Reminder During Uncertainty Nov 5th, 2020

On Wednesday, our rockstar Chiropractic Assistant (CA) gave two weeks due to urgent and unexpected childcare issues. On Thursday, our oldest son traumatically broke his leg.  On Friday, our CA  said she couldn’t even stay for the last 2 weeks. On Saturday, my mom found a large painful lump in...

The Breath- Why it’s so Important Oct 15th, 2020

Our life source-always there for us in unlimited abundance. Science shows we enter a state of healing when we let our breath come from our belly. After all it’s the way we were born. Watch a baby and you will see its belly rise & fall with ease and fluidity....

What Should I Eat/Not Eat? Aug 31st, 2020

This is a question that I get asked all the time. It is also something that I have intensely studied for the last 20+ years. My answer these days is unconventional and has evolved as much as I have. I say it is unconventional only because people that ask me...