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What Does My Mind Have to Do With It?

Everything. The mind gives the information to the body. Is your body tense and tight? Is it relaxed and loose? You probably have felt this direct relationship between mental stress states and tension in the body several times in your life.  So what do you do about it?


Too simple, right?

Easier said than done.

How do you relax when you have been in a chronic state of fight or flight for most of your life?  



Yes, you practice every day. It’s that important to your health and well-being. Once you have this practice integrated, you can then start incorporating your heart wisdom and take it up a notch. For a smoother ride in life, connecting the mind, body, and heart activates deeper states of wellbeing, clarity, ease, enjoyment, fulfillment, and flow.

Curious about how the heart fits into this equation? Check it out here.

Dr. Nicole Bailey Nicole Bailey, D.C. received her bachelor of science degree in biology from Ursinus College. She went on to earn top honors at Life University, where she completed her doctorate of chiropractic degree. A member of the Chiropractic Fellowship of Pennsylvania, Nicole volunteers her time and service to various charities and non-profit organizations while also working to empower inner city youth about the significance of chiropractic care.

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