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Transcending Labels

So many of us want to know what it is.  It can refer to the symptoms you're experiencing physically in your body or the feelings you're feeling emotionally.  We want the label because we think that once we have it we will be confronted by it.  Either we’ll know what to do next on what not to do with basically as ways of suppressing the symptom.  We want to suppress it because we judge it as bad, but what we don’t realize is that this puts us on the path finding a rabbit hole of confusion. We may think we have more clarity initially on the label, but it always turns into more confusion in one way or another.  It’s this confusion that trickles into other areas of our lives since we are not separate compartments.  This overall unease that sometimes we don't even know is there because we have gotten so used to stuffing it. 


There is another way, that way is welcoming what is and allowing peace.  So welcome it to allow it to move through you and then you can be the medicine. 


Being the medicine lets us let go of the label, get out of our heads and back into your hearts where true healing can transcend any label.

Dr. Nicole Bailey Nicole Bailey, D.C. received her bachelor of science degree in biology from Ursinus College. She went on to earn top honors at Life University, where she completed her doctorate of chiropractic degree. A member of the Chiropractic Fellowship of Pennsylvania, Nicole volunteers her time and service to various charities and non-profit organizations while also working to empower inner city youth about the significance of chiropractic care.

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