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The Breath- Why it’s so Important

Our life source-always there for us in unlimited abundance. Science shows we enter a state of healing when we let our breath come from our belly. After all it’s the way we were born. Watch a baby and you will see its belly rise & fall with ease and fluidity.

When we are in a state of stress or dis-ease we do not allow the breath to flow from our bellies, but rather our chest. Feel your own breath right now by putting your hand on your stomach. Is it expanding? Probably not, as we are taught to hold our stomach in, but I encourage you to play with watching & feeling your belly rise & fall like a long wave. Afterwards, I invite you to feel the sensation of calm in your body.

Allowing this belly breath will greatly assist you in being able to receive the most benefits from your adjustments.    

Dr. Nicole Bailey Nicole Bailey, D.C. received her bachelor of science degree in biology from Ursinus College. She went on to earn top honors at Life University, where she completed her doctorate of chiropractic degree. A member of the Chiropractic Fellowship of Pennsylvania, Nicole volunteers her time and service to various charities and non-profit organizations while also working to empower inner city youth about the significance of chiropractic care.

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