Preparing for Your Adjustment “What are you ready to receive?”

It’s very simple but perhaps not so easy. The first step is to release any distractions. Typically these primarily come from our phones, but it could even be mental chatter.
The way to do this is to leave your phone in the car or put it on airplane mode. As for the thoughts, the best thing to do is to presence yourself. Use your five senses to explore what feelings they give you. What do you feel, see, hear, smell, and taste? Some may be easier than others. This simple exercise will allow you to be in the moment-the NOW, which is when we receive the present. The present moment truly is a gift.
Each time you enter the office, practice anchoring into the present moment. Practice when you lie on the adjustment bed during your adjustment & after your adjustment. This enhances your awareness of the power of an adjustment. What exactly does this mean? For each person it’s different. Some people may instantly feel better in their physical body. For others, it’s clarity of the mind or a better mood. Some people say they feel more loving or an overall sense of well-being and a body feeling like it’s been reconnected. I have even heard some say they noticed improved vision after their adjustment. Tune into your body & feel what you feel.
Of course, it’s still very powerful without any of these awarenesses but you can tap into the next level & receive way more. I invite you to try it out and let me know about your experience next time you are in the office!
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