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Greatest Resource to Release Pain

1st step:

Connect with the innate intelligence of your body.

Slow down/ pause: soften the body

Be present with mind and body

Allow it- stop feeding the resistance


The greatest resource we have as humans living in a physical body is our connection to our own divinity- which is through our hearts.

When we access compassion, peace, courage, joy, lightness, love, wonder, care, and appreciation we access our real self. 

Dr. Nicole Bailey Nicole Bailey, D.C. received her bachelor of science degree in biology from Ursinus College. She went on to earn top honors at Life University, where she completed her doctorate of chiropractic degree. A member of the Chiropractic Fellowship of Pennsylvania, Nicole volunteers her time and service to various charities and non-profit organizations while also working to empower inner city youth about the significance of chiropractic care.

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